Why do we do it?

We wish there was an easy way to say it, but we've had a few failed startup ideas. Because as non-technical founders we didn't have the ability to develop and test our own ideas, we spent thousands of euros (in the 6 digit figures), to develop and test ideas that in the end didn't take off. Sure, we built wireframes, conducted user interviews and did idea validation. That's all great, but if you can't launch your idea and test it out there in the real world, it doesn't really matter.

Our awesome features
Our awesome features

There had to be a better way

We figured there had to be a better way to do this as spending all that upfront cash before making one cent just didn't make sense to us. Now, this was well before the nocode movement really took off, so once the nocode space started getting traction, we jumped right in. The tools allow us to develop ideas fast, launch fast and iterate even faster. While we still have a few ideas of our own to launch, we decided to create DigitalFight.Club to help others in the same situation, at a really low cost and low risk.

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